We hope you have a great stay with us, which is why we want to offer you the best services!
Free wifi access in all our rooms
Free Starlink wifi in our beach bar “Bar de Beto” in Isabela Island
Make your own yummy meals! Our small kitchen has all the basic equipment for easy meals for your stay.
Remember to keep it clean for you and other guests!
And recycle: Organic, Recyclable and Non Recyclable
Be part of change! Refill your water bottle in our shared kitchen and help reduce plastic pollution!
Hey Readers, enjoy new books during your vacations!
Donate and/or exchange books!
We have books in English, German, French and more! Try reading a book in Spanish if you want!
Discover Isabela Island’s gorgeous snorkeling spot “Concha Perla” with our free snorkels
You can leave one behind for the next guests too!
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